-13 800 000 000
Big Bang ⠀
-10 000 000 000
Stars and Galaxies ⠀
-4 600 000 000
Solar System is formed -4 570 000 000
Sun main-sequence star. -4 500 000 000
Formation of Jupiter. -4 450 000 000
Formation of Saturn. -4 400 000 000
Formation of Uranus. -4 350 000 000
Formation of Neptune. -4 540 000 000
Formation of Earth. -4 530 000 000
Formation of Venus. -4 510 000 000
Formation of Mars. -4 500 000 000
Formation of Mercury. -4 500 000 000
Formation of the Moon ⠀
-4 000 000 000
life (single-cell organisms) -3 500 000 000
fossils of bacteria, algae -2 400 000 000
oxygenation of earth -1 800 000 000
eukaryotic cells (nucleus) -1 500 000 000
multicellular organisms -1 200 000 000
sexual reproduction, evolution ⠀
-850 000 000
animals oceans (sponges, jelly) -500 000 000
First plants, fungi and animals in land (arthropods, vertebrates) -450 000 000
Ice Age, -60% of marine life -420 000 000
first forrests -400 000 000
insects+amphibians on land -360 000 000
extinction2-300 000 000
Permian period, Amphibians -250 000 000
extinction3-230 000 000
First dinosaurs on earth -200 000 000
Pangea splits. birds, flowers -150 000 000
Jurassic period, dinosaurs -100 000 000
cretaceous (t-rex), bees, ants and butterflies. ⠀
-66 000 000
Asteroid (Mexico → 75% all species gone -65 000 000
mammals, whales and horses -50 000 000
mammals, bats, rats, elephants -25 000 000
Apes, human-like primates -15 000 000
Age of Hominis -10 000 000
Ice Age ⠀
-3 000 000
Homo habilis (stone tools) -2 000 000
Homo erectus-500 000
Homo Neanderthal -300 000
Homo Sapiens-200 000
Stone Age, Neanderthals+Sapiens -100 000
Sapiens age -50 000
Anthropocene epoch ⠀
End of Ice Age-3000
Bronze Age-3500
wheel (mesopotamia) -3300
writing (Mesopotamia -3100
calendar (Egypt) -3000
plow (Mesopotamia -3000
silk (China) -2737
tea (China) -2000
Common Era, Anno Domini ⠀
-1000 - -600
Iron Age-1050
alphabet (Phoenicia) -900 - -600
Olmec civilization -800s - -700s
Homer -776
1st Olympic Games (Greece) -624 - -546
Thales of Miletus -600
philosophy (Greece) -600
coinage (Lydia) -570 - -495
Pythagoras -550
postal system (Persia) -509
Founding of the Roman Republic -508
democracy (Greece) -500
road system (Rome) -500
decimal system (India) -449
law system (Rome) -427 - -347
Plato -384 - -322
Aristotle -312
aqueduct (Rome) -221
Unification of China (Qin Dynasty) -105
paper (China) -100 - -44
Julius Caesar -70 - -19
Virgil -69 - -30
Cleopatra -27
Founding of Rome -6 - 65
Horace ⠀
121 - 180
Marcus Aurelius 180
antonine plague, pandemic (5m people) ⠀
roman citizenship to all free men ⠀
religious tolerance to Christians in the Roman Empire354 - 430
St. Augustine ⠀
Hindu-Arabic numerals (India) 410
The Visigoths, Alaric I, sack Rome (first in 800 years) ⠀
Justinian I emperor of the Byzantine Empire ⠀
chess (India) 622
Migration (Hijra) of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina 628
zero (India) 632
Muhammad dies, succeeded by Abu Bakr as first caliph ⠀
Viking Age ⠀
charlemagne, first holy roman emperor 843
The Treaty of Verdun divides Carolingian Empire into three kingdoms (Louis the Pious) 868
Printing of Diamond Sutra, oldest dated printed book (China) ⠀
gunpowder (China) 962
Otto I first Holy Roman Emperor by Pope John XII ⠀
paper money (China) 1041
printing press (China) 1088
compass (China) 1095
first crusade to liberate Jerusalem from Muslims (Pope Urban II) ⠀
Crusaders Capture Acre 1122
Concordat of Worms resolves Controversy between papacy and Holy Roman Empire 1135
Maimonides’ "Mishneh Torah" 1150
Gothic Architecture Emerges 1187
Saladin Captures Jerusalem ⠀
Genghis Khan Unites Mongols 1214 - 1294
Roger Bacon 1215
Magna Carta 1240
Mongols Defeat Kiev 1258
Mongols Capture Baghdad 1271 - 1295
Marco Polo’s Travels 1273
Thomas Aquinas "Summa Theologica" 1291
Fall of Acre, End of Crusades ⠀
Dante Writes "The Divine Comedy" 1315 - 1317
Great Famine in Europe 1325
Founding of Tenochtitlan 1337 - 1453
Hundred Years’ War 1347 - 1351
- Black Death, -30% europe, Sicily from Asia 1355
University of Oxford Established 1368
Ming Dynasty Begins 1376 - 1395
Acamapichtli* 1380
John Wycliffe's Bible Translation 1396 - 1417
Huitzilihuitl* ⠀
1400 - 1468
Johannes Gutenberg 1401
beginning of Renaissance 1402 - 1472
Nezahualcoyotl. 1412 - 1431
Joan of Arc. 1413
perspective in art by Filippo Brunelleschi 1417 - 1427
Chimalpopoca* 1428–1440
Izocoatl* 1439
Platonic Academy manuscripts by Cosimo de' Medici 1440–1469
Motecuhzoma I* 1440
Gutenberg's press 1443 - 1543
Nicolaus Copernicus 1452 - 1519
Da Vinci. 1453
end of Middle ages 1453
Fall of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks 1460s - 1524
Vasco da Gama 1466 - 1520
Moctezuma II 1469–1481
Axayacatl* 1474 - 1521
Juan Ponce de León 1475 - 1564
Michelangelo 1481–1486
Tizoc* 1483 - 1520
Raphael 1483 - 1546
Martin Luther 1485 - 1547
Hernán Cortés ⠀
1509 - 1564
John Calvin 1517
Luther's 95 Theses 1543
Copernican Revolution 1547 - 1616
Cervantes. 1564 - 1642
Galileo. 1564 - 1616
Shakespeare. 1564 - 1642
Galileo Galilei 1571 - 1630
Johannes Kepler 1588 - 1679
Thomas Hobbes 1596 - 1650
René Descartes ⠀
Don Quixote 1606 - 1669
Rembrandt 1610
Galileo Discovers Jupiter’s Moons 1623 - 1662
Blaise Pascal 1632 - 1704
John Locke 1632 - 1677
Baruch Spinoza 1638 - 1715
Louis XIV 1642 - 1727
Newton. 1643 - 1715
- Reign of Louis XIV 1646 - 1716
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1651 - 1695
Sor Juana. 1653 - 1706
Johann Pachelbel 1678 - 1741
Antonio Vivaldi 1685 - 1750
Johann Sebastian Bach 1687
Newton’s "Principia Mathematica" 1688
English Enlightenment 1694 - 1778
Voltaire. ⠀
1706 - 1790
Benjamin Franklin 1711 - 1776
David Hume 1712 - 1778
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1723 - 1790
Adam Smith 1724 - 1804
Immanuel Kant 1743 - 1826
Thomas Jefferson 1755 - 1793
Marie Antoinette. 1756 - 1791
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756 - 1763
- Seven Years’ War 1769
Watt’s Steam Engine Patented 1769 - 1821
Napoleon. 1770 - 1827
Beethoven. 1770 - 1831
Hegel 1775 - 1817
Jane Austen 1776
American Independence 1776
Adam Smith "The Wealth of Nations" 1789- 1799
- French Revolution 1796
Edward Jenner’s Smallpox Vaccine ⠀
1804 - 1815
- Napoleonic Wars 1809 - 1865
Abraham Lincoln 1809 - 1882
Charles Darwin 1810
Independencia de mexico 1813 - 1855
Søren Kierkegaard 1815 - 1852
Ada Lovelace. 1828 - 1910
Leo Tolstoy 1837
Telegraph Invented 1839 - 1842
- First Opium War 1840 - 1926
Claude Monet. 1844 - 1900
Friedrich Nietzsche. 1847 - 1922
Alexander Graham Bell 1847 - 1931
Edison. 1854 - 1900
Oscar Wilde. 1856 - 1943
Nikola Tesla 1859 - 1938
Edmund Husserl. 1859 - 1941
Henri Bergson. 1859
Darwin’s "On the Origin of Specie" 1863
Emancipation Proclamation in U.S. 1863 - 1947
Henry Ford 1866 - 1944
Kandinsky. 1867 - 1934
Marie Curie. 1869 - 1954
Henri Matisse 1872 - 1944
Piet Mondrian. 1872 - 1970
Bertrand Russell 1874 - 1965
Winston Churchill 1876
Bell’s Telephone Patent 1879 - 1919
Emiliano Zapata. 1879 - 1955
Einstein. 1882 - 1945
Franklin D. Roosevelt 1882
Pasteurization Process Developed 1885 - 1962
Niels Bohr 1887 - 1961
Erwin Schrödinger 1888 - 1978
Le Corbusier 1889 - 1976
Martin Heidegger. 1889 - 1977
Chaplin. 1889 - 1951
Wittgenstein. 1895
X-rays Discovered 1890 - 1969
Dwight D. Eisenhower 1890 - 1970
Charles de Gaulle 1899 - 1961
Ernest Hemingway. 1899 - 1986
Jorge Luis Borges. 1899 - 1980
Hitchcock. ⠀
1901 - 1966
Walt Disney. 1901 - 1971
Louis Armstrong 1902 - 1994
Karl Popper. 1903 - 1950
George Orwell 1903
Wright Brothers’ First Flight 1904 - 1967
J. Robert Oppenheimer 1905
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity 1906 - 1978
Kurt Gödel 1906 - 1997
Victor Vasarely. 1907 - 1954
Frida Kahlo. 1910
Revolución Mexicana 1912 - 1954
Alan Turing. 1912 - 1956
Jackson Pollock 1913 - 1960
Albert Camus. 1914 - 1918
- World War I 1915 - 1982
Ingrid Bergman 1917 - 1963
John F. Kennedy 1917 - 1986
Juan Rulfo. 1918 - 1988
Richard Feynman 1918 - 1958
André Bazin 1918 - 2013
Nelson Mandela. 1922
Insulin Discovered 1925 - 1995
Gilles Deleuze. 1925 - 2008
Paul Newman 1926 - 1962
Marilyn Monroe 1926 - 1984
Michel Foucault. 1928 - 2007
Sol LeWitt. 1928 - 2019
Agnès Varda. 1928 - 1987
Andy Warhol 1929 - 1993
Audrey Hepburn 1929 - 1982
Grace Kelly 1929 - 2014
Roberto Gómez Bolaños. 1929
Wall Street Crash, Great Depression 1930 - 2012
Neil Armstrong. 1932 - 1984
Truffaut. 1932 - 1986
Andrei Tarkovsky. 1936
Turing's theory of universal classical computers 1939 - 1945
- World War II 1940 - 1980
John Lennon. 1940 - 2023
Pelé 1942 - 2018
Stephen Hawking 1945
United Nations Established 1945 - 1981
Bob Marley. 1947
Transistor Invented 1950 - 1953
Korean War 1951 - 2014
Robin Williams 1952 - 2020
Bernard Stiegler. 1955 - 2011
Steve Jobs. 1954
Polio Vaccine 1969
Humans on the Moon 1970s
Miniaturization of electronic technology 1971
ARPANET, Early Internet 1971
Intel Microprocessor 1980
Smallpox Eradicated 1983
HIV Identified 1986 - 2013
Aaron Swartz. 1989
Fall of Berlin Wall 1989
World Wide Web 1991
End of Soviet Union 1991
End of Apartheid 1999
ego ⠀
Human Genome Mapped 2007
iPhone 2008
Global Financial Crisis 2011
Arab Spring 2019
Notre-Dame Fire 2020
COVID-19 2021
Mars Rover Landing this is a collection of notes that i've written over time, mostly for myself. in the spirit of working with garage doors open, i've published them and open sourced this website. works under writing are original, my notes a mix of thoughts with quotes from the artwork subject of the note.
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writing keeps ideas in space
speech lets them travel in time
we use paintings to decorate space
and music to decorate time
⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀
find the way by moonlight
see the dawn before
the rest of the world
⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀
unconscious time, no peace of mind,
falling in space but still alive.
sketching the future in a single line,
everything's spinning, cannot sit down.
moments in space, places in time,
thoughts penciled in, now come to life.
⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀
As of today, no one knows how to translate paintings, flowers or music into language. Their beauty is implicit and exclusive to their form, which is why it's so hard to explain how a particular piece of art makes us feel.
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